Docs, Links, Video, etc.

Please review, download and share these documents related to the Clean Tax Cuts (CTC) policy concept. Videos appear below. Please contact us should you need more information.


The Climate and Freedom Accord: A Straw Proposal for an International Free Market Climate Agreement, January 29, 2024

Key Points (English) | Key Points (Spanish)

CoVictory Bonds & Loans: A Policy Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: July 2020

Clean Free Market Act: Draft Legislative Language Guidance: September 2019

Clean Tax Cuts - A Year of Policy Design: September 2017

CTC Charrette Report: Columbia University, September 2016

CTC White Paper: September 2016

Sector Specific Articles:

Article: It's time to reel in and replace fuel economy standards
Summary: CTC for the Auto Sector

Green Bonds:
Discussion Paper
Summary: CTC for Green Bonds
Straw proposal: CTC - Emission Reduction Bonds (ERBs) from Travis Bradford

Power Sector:
Summary: CTC for the Power Sector

Real Estate:
Summary: CTC for the Real Estate Sector

Agriculture, Forestry & Land Use:
Summary: CTC for Agriculture & Forestry

Oil & Gas:
Summary: CTC for Oil & Gas

Clean Tech:
Summary: CTC for Clean Tech

Article: Clean Tax Cuts and the Global Free Market for Plastic Solutions




Global Freedom Panel & Roundtable:
Event plus Clips on YouTube

Panel: How to Accelerate Global Freedom via a Liberty-Expanding Collaboration on Multinational Agreements - November 17, 2022

View on YouTube

Think Tank Roundtable: How to Accelerate Global Freedom via a Liberty-Expanding Collaboration on Multinational Agreements - November 17, 2022

View on YouTube

COP26: Climate & Freedom Symposium 2021

View on YouTube

Energy Leaders Webinar Series - October 25, 2021

Discussion continues at | Watch Video on YouTube

CCLC2020: Open for Innovation - Highlights, Sept. 24, 2020

Excerpts from each of the six sessions

CCLC2020: Open for Innovation - Program, Sept. 24, 2020

See Full CCLC Presentation on YouTube

CCLC 2020: Open for Innovation - Session Videos

Session 1: Opening Power Markets to Innovation & Competition

Session 1 on YouTube

Session 2: Intro to Clean Tax Cuts & Clean Free Market Policy as Incentives for Competition

Session 2 on YouTube

Session 3: Brainstorming New Free Market Incentive & Trade Strategies to Open Markets Faster

Session 3 on Youtube

Session 4: Exploring New Strategies for Clean Open Markets within the United States

Session 4 on YouTube

Session 5: Free Trade & Clean Free Trade - Post WWII Lessons, Anti-Competitive Market Distortions, the Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability

Session 5 on YouTube

Session 6: Exploring New Strategies for Clean Open Markets Globally

Session 6 on YouTube

Energy Leaders Webinar Series, Online Discussion, August 5, 2020

Discussion continues at

Climate & Freedom Colloquium, during COP 25, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 12, 2019

Clean Capitalist Leadership Council, Sept. 23, 2019 - Policy Briefing

CCLC: Post Briefing Interviews

Charles Hernick, CRES Forum, Washington, DC:

Political landscape for energy policy shows broader acceptance among conservatives

Jeremy Harrell, ClearPath, Washington, DC:

Energy policy options and benefits

Guillermo Peña Panting, Fundación Eléutera, Honduras:

Open markets can bring economic opportunity and social stability as well as
environmental benefit within the developing world

Julian Morris, Reason Foundation, Los Angeles:

History shows open markets spur economic growth

Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism Solutions, Boulder, CO:

Renewable energy and regenerative agriculture offer huge
economic opportunities during the energy transition

Tony Keane, EarthX, Dallas, TX:

Educating the public and providing expert forums leads to environmental solutions

Brendon Steele, Future 500, Portland, OR:

Building trust across different groups enables a path forward

Clean Capitalist Coalition Launch, Sept. 27, 2018

ADEDay: Excerpts from the Green Conservatives Panel

ADEDay: Full Presentation

Links & Press