Madrid Workshop

May 25, 2024 at 10:00 - 16:00
InterContinental Madrid
Help Build an Int'l Free Market Climate Agreement
Click here for more info

Costa Rica Workshop

March 23, 2024 at 9:00 - 17:00
Real Intercontinental San Jose
Help Build an Int'l Free Market Climate Agreement
Click here for more info


Presentation to policymakers in buenos aires, argentina on march fifth 2024Presentation to Policymakers
hosted by
Asociación Argentina de Contribuyentes (AAC)

March 5, 2024
Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Art Collection & Event Space
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Argentinian Taxpayers Association 

This event was attended by more than 60 elected officials, administrators, researchers and professionals who are keen to learn more about free market ideas, and consider how they might be implemented to help Argentina combat high inflation and economic stagnation.

Launch Event at LibertyCon 2024, the flagship event of Students for LibertyLaunch Event for Global Initiative @
LibertyCon 2024
Students for Liberty

February 2, 2024
Grand Hyatt Washington
Washington, DC
Visit LibertyCon 2024 | Visit Students for Liberty

This event was attended by more than 115 student leaders, all of whom are interested in developing and promoting the ideals of liberty and the free market worldwide. The work continues with workshops and events worldwide.

LibertyCon Europe 2023 hosted the first SFL workshop in Lisbon to ask participants to imagine what an international free market climate agreement should look like. The result was The Climate & Freedom Accord, now the subject of studies by 9 think tanks across Europe.  At LibertyCon 2024, the flagship event of Students for Liberty, we explored why “freedom first” is the first-best climate policy;  why free trade, open markets, economic rights and low supply-side taxes are essential to accelerating decarbonizing innovation and the energy transition.  We addressed issues surrounding regulations preventing innovative forms of energy - especially nuclear, private property rights and free trade.  This workshop united students, scholars and thought leaders from around the world, to develop actionable liberty-based alternatives to problematic frameworks like the Paris Agreement, the US IRA and EU Green Deal.

Events 2023


December 8, 2023 at 15:00-16:00
ICC Partner Stage
Policy Discussion: EU v. US v. the Critics: What is the Best Pathway for Net-Zero?

Free Market Climate Policy discussion at COP28 on the ICC Partner StageSpeaker Lineup:

  • Rod Richardson, President, Grace Richardson Fund; Co-Founder, Climate & Freedom International Coalition
  • Lord Syed Kamall, Member of the House of Lords, Parliament, UK; Professor of International Relations, 
St. Mary’s University; Academic Fellow, Institute for Economic Affairs, UK
  • Senator Mohamed Farid, Egypt; Founder, Cairo Liberal Club
  • Dr. Michael Mehling, Deputy Director, MIT-CEEPR; Professor of Practice, University of Strathclyde School of Law, UK
  • Nick Loris, VP - Policy, C3 Solutions
  • Andries Gryffroy, Member, Flemish Parliament for the European Alliance; Member, EU Committee of the Regions

December 9, 2023 at 11:30am-1:00pm
Blue Zone, Side Event Room 8

Free Market Climate Policy: Innovation & Investment Acceleration via Reduced Tax & Trade Barriers

COP28 in DubaiWe are grateful to have been selected to present an official side event at COP28 in Dubai. This event included discussions on new UNFCCC submissions that address climate mitigation, adaptation, finance (non-market instr.), and Article 6.8. Speakers included prominent politicians, ministers, diplomats, UNFCCC negotiators, plus business and thought leaders. Please email us to learn more.

Speaker Lineup:

  • Rod Richardson, President, Grace Richardson Fund; Co-Founder, Climate & Freedom International Coalition
  • Lord Syed Kamall, Member of the House of Lords, Parliament, UK; Professor of International Relations, 
St. Mary’s University; Academic Fellow, Institute for Economic Affairs, UK
  • Senator Mohamed Farid, Egypt; Founder, Cairo Liberal Club
  • The Hon. Kevin Hogan MP, Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism, Australia
  • Sen. Dean Smith, Liberal Senator for Western Australia, Australia
  • Sen. Andrew Bragg, Liberal Senator for New South Wales, Australia
  • Councillor Oldrich Vlasak, Hradec Kralove - Czech Republic; Member of the 
European Conservatives and Reformists, Committee of the Regions, EU See official statement
  • Dr. Michael Mehling, Deputy Director, MIT-CEEPR; Professor of Practice, University of Strathclyde School of Law, UK
  • Landon Derentz, Senior Director; Richard L. Morningstar Chair for Global Energy Security, Global Energy Center, Atlantic Council (invited)
  • Dr. Sajeev Nair, Board Member & Regional Director, CUTS International (Africa)
  • Dr. Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Fellow, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

See Straw Proposal for Discussion.


We were honored to participate in two events in the Portugal coastal cities of Porto and Lisbon. On April 16-17, the Free Market Road Show joined the European Resource Bank in the northern city of Porto for the annual meeting, discussing various free market topics and exploring ways to utilize taxpayer dollars more efficiently and effectively. On April 22-23, we participated at LibertyCon Europe 2023, with panels and a workshop to shape climate policy. See Straw Proposal. Thanks to the organizers for their excellent work!

April 15-16, 2023
Free Market Road Show &
European Resource Bank
Annual Meeting
April 22-23, 2023
Europe 2023
Annual Conference

Events 2022

How to Accelerate Global Freedom via a Liberty-Expanding Collaboration on Multinational Agreements

Grace Richardson Fund is pleased to announce a 2-part side event running alongside the Atlas Network Liberty Forum on Thursday, held on November 17: a morning panel discussion and afternoon think tank roundtable meeting, co-hosted by Reason Foundation, Grace Richardson Fund, and the Center for Social and Economic Research (RSE), Iceland.

November 17, 2022: Panel and Roundtable
Speaker Bios | Event Details | Videos | Proposals 

Many international agreements on taxes, climate, justice, etc. — say, the Paris Accord, or the global minimum tax treaty — actually increase poverty and slow climate innovation by constricting freedom and markets. To flip the script, Reason Magazine's Editor at Large Nick Gillespie moderates an expert morning panel exploring a new possibility — a liberty-expanding think tank collaboration on international agreements that address a wide range of issues — with solutions rooted in the insight that the best fix for both poverty and climate (and many other issues) is one and the same: expand freedom for innovators, entrepreneurs and problem solvers, globally.

At the afternoon Think Tank Roundtable Meeting, participants are invited to discuss how such a think tank collaboration would work best, and which issues and strategies offer the biggest bang for the buck, resulting in a popular agreement that spreads global freedom and open markets in many nations, all at once.

Panelists & Roundtable Co-Chairs:

  • Nick Gillespie, Reason Magazine (Panel Moderator)
  • Magatte Wade, Atlas Network Center for African Prosperity
  • Lorenzo Montanari, Americans for Tax Reform & Tholos Foundation
  • Magnús Örn Gunnarsson, RSE, Iceland
  • Rod Richardson, Grace Richardson Fund (Roundtable Facilitator)
  • David Nott, Reason Foundation (Roundtable only)

Speaker Bios | Event Details | Videos | Proposals 

Note: Folks interested in these ideas are encouraged to consider the following 10 questions.

  1. What is the best way to accelerate freedom and the rapid multinational opening of markets, globally?
  2. What opportunities do you see to expand freedom via international agreements, regionally or globally? Which agreement? On what subjects?
  3. What evidence do you see (or not) that the solution to climate change, poverty and many other problems is the same thing: expand freedom for problem solvers, globallyl?
  4. How can the liberty movement use left-wing passions like climate panic to advance low-tax, free-trade, open market solutions to climate and poverty?
  5. What are the most successful historical strategies for spreading open markets and low tax/trade barriers, rapidly? Can these be replicated by the liberty movement today?
  6. In order to open markets rapidly and globally, how would you design a free-market version of the Marshall Plan (which offered a carrot for nations to drop trade barriers and form the European Common Market)?
  7. Can we use internationally reciprocal supply-side tax cuts as a carrot in international agreements, to open markets?
  8. What would be the best design for those internationally reciprocal supply-side tax cuts to maximize leverage as a carrot to open markets?
  9. How could we reinvent the Agreement on Climate Change, Trade & Sustainability (ACCTS) to make it a highly attractive free market agreement to open up markets and unlock capital flows everywhere?
  10. Should we form a Coalition on Freedom-Expanding International Agreements (COFIA)? How should it be done? What can your think tank do to advance the effort? Who wants to co-chair a meeting?
  11. Groups in attendance, as well as others in the future, are invited to help shape the progress of this new initiative by exploring promising opportunities for policy collaboration on global issues.

Glasgow Climate & Freedom Symposium 2021Events 2021

The Clean Capitalist Leadership Council held its annual meeting on November 8, 2021 from 9am-5pm at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland on the occasion of COP26, and presented the Climate & Freedom Symposium 2021, with event producers C3 Solutions and the British Conservation Alliance. (See Video on the CCLC Playlist)

As one of the founding members of the CCLC, we were grateful to participate in this symposium along with other members of the Clean Capitalist Coalition: the Clean Capitalist Leadership Council, Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions, and the British Conservation Alliance.

Throughout the day we highlighted the strong correlation to personal freedom and limited government to a cleaner environment and better quality of life. Experts showed evidence that free market policies support innovation, and drive technology forward to deliver affordable and reliable energy to the citizens. Open markets and competition are two of the levers that propel this dynamic forward. The partners for the Symposium – Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions (C3 Solutions), the British Conservation Alliance (BCA), and the Clean Capitalist Leadership Council – dialogued with experts, business leaders and government officials from around the world.

Please contact us with any comments or questions.
See video highlights on the CCLC Playlist.

video highlights of clean capitalist leadership council 4th annual meeting sept 24 2020 at 1pm on zoom registration required

Events 2020

The Clean Capitalist Leadership Council 4th Annual meeting was held on September 24, 2020 from 1-4pm on Zoom.
Please see Video Highlights!

In this Zoominar, experts explored the range of new free market policies needed not only to foster breakthrough innovative clean technologies in the US, but also to open markets everywhere, in order to spread those innovations and scale sustainable development solutions, globally, while expanding inclusive freedom and prosperity.

Our co-hosts for CCLC 2020 – Reason Foundation, ClearPath, CRES Forum, ACEEE, the Rainey Center and more! – engaged experts, from think tank and university scholars, to private donors, to political leaders, from the Americas and the United Kingdom, as we explore promising opportunities for cross-border policy innovation and collaboration.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts the Zoominar from September 24, 2020!
See video hightlights.


jigar shah rod richardson clean free market economic policy our energy policy august 5th at 4:30pm
View this webinar from August 5th. The discussion continues online following the presentation.

Free Market Clean Energy Proposals for the Stimulus and Beyond
Our Energy Policy's
Energy Leaders Webinar Series
August 5, 2020
View Presentation

Rod Richardson and Jigar Shah, Co-Founder & President of Generate Capital, held an online discussion on free market policies as they relate to the current stimulus options.

Abby Smith of the Washington Examiner moderated the discussion, hosted by Our Energy Policy as part of its Energy Leaders Webinar Series.

After the presentation, the discussion will continue on the website at

Email Us for more information!


madrid nh-hotel location clean free market meeting december 12 2019Climate & Freedom Colloquium
December 12, 2019
NH Hotel, Colón
Madrid, Spain

Building on the momentum generated in New York City for the launch of the Declaration on Energy Choice & Competition, a Colloquium on Climate and Freedom took place in Madrid on December 12, 2019 at the NH Hotel, Colón, Madrid, Spain on the occasion of the United Nations Climate Talks.

As more groups come together to discuss and develop policies that apply free market solutions to serious environmental issues, we are encouraged by the support. We hope to gather more interested parties and groups, to show world leaders that energy choice and free market policies can facilitate the transition to the clean economy.
Contact Us for more information!

Declaration on Energy Choice & Competition
Launch Event
November 5, 2019
New York City

On November 5, 2019, the Declaration on Energy Choice & Competition was launched with a signing event and reception in New York City. The document was co-authored by Julian Morris of the Reason Foundation, Guillermo Peña Panting of Fundación Eléutera in Honduras, and Rod Richardson, of the Clean Capitalist Leadership Council.

The event was attended by representatives from several groups that are active in the Freedom & Liberty movement.

Climate Change Day at South Fork Natural History Museum
Bridgehampton Sag Harbor Turnpike
November 2, 2019
Bridgehampton, New York

Rod Richardson joined several other noted experts from the East End of Long Island for SoFo's 5th Annual Climate Change Day forum. Click for event flyer. The East End of Long Island is particularly vulnerable to sea level rise, water contamination and storm surge. The local fisherman just experienced a near total die-off from this year's scallop harvest, where increasing ocean temperatures and excessive fertilizer used on lawns and crops are the initial suspects. Rod spoke of the need to bring about new, business-friendly policies that provide the energy resources residents need while also being good stewards of the environment.

AWEA Offshore Conference
Poster Presentation of Current Research
October 23, 2017
Boston, MA

Rod Richardson and Elizabeth Halliday presented a poster consisting of an abbreviated summary of free market policy research at the AWEA Offshore Wind Conference in Boston, MA on October 23rd. Several guests were intrigued by the idea of using Private, tax-exempt debt to finance early stage projects.

Charrette: Innovation
Washington, DC
October 1, 2019, 9:00-4:00pm

At this day-long charrette hosted by Holland and Knight, attendees will explore options and pathways to incentivize innovation and simplify the regulatory process. Stay tuned for the report on the day's policy discussion.

National Clean Energy Week
Washington, DC
September 23-27, 2019

Originating in Washington, DC and quickly spreading to cities across the country, this multi-day event addresses important topics regarding energy and the environment.
Click here for the full schedule.

Clean Capitalist Leadership Council
New York, NY
September 23, 2019 5-7:30pm

Reception hosted by members of the Clean Capitalist Leadership Council to provide updates on their own policy initiatives.

logo earth x 2019

Dallas, TX
April 24-28, 2019

Rod Richardson was joined by other Clean Tax Cut researchers and members of the Clean Capitalist Coalition at EarthX, the largest Earth Day Expo in the world. EarthX was founded by Trammell S. Crow more than 15 years ago.

Click here for details!

Participating in a variety of conferences, participants discussed the many ways that flexible and innovative pubic policy can help transform the landscape, clearing the path for new technology, new infrastructure and a cleaner future.

logo future 500

Thursday, April 25, 2019, 1:30pm
Future 500
Hilton Anatole Hotel

Lightning Round: Rod Richardson gave a brief update on the evolution of the Clean Tax Cuts concept and introduced members of the Clean Capitalist Coalition - a group of think tanks, economists and NGOs all working toward finding free-market solutions to the energy crisis.

Future 500 is a service-based non-profit that builds trust between companies, advocates, investors, and philanthropists to advance business as a force for good.

Friday, April 26, 2019, 8:30am-5:00pm
EarthX Energy Conference
Centennial Hall, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas

A variety of free-market ideas and potential solutions were presented during this exciting all-day conference as part of the EarthX Earth Day Expo, taking place in Dallas, Texas from April 24-28th, 2019.



September 27, 2018
Clean Capitalist Leadership Council
Climate Week 2018

Urban Tech Hub, New York City

The Clean Tax Cuts team participated in the Clean Capitalist Leadership Council annual meeting, held during Climate Week in New York City.
Visit CCLC to learn more.

September 26, 2018
National Clean Energy Week
National Press Club, Washington, DC

Rod Richardson provided an introduction to the Clean Tax Cuts concept to assembled guests, policymakers and media during the National Clean Energy Week Symposium in Washington, DC, part of a nationwide series of events focused on clean energy.
Visit NCEW to learn more.

April 22, 2017 - Earth Day Texas
Fair Park, Dallas, Texas

The Clean Tax Cuts team will be joined by many not-for-profit partners who have participated in the Clean Tax Cuts charrette process. Here we will showcase the salient findings from the earlier charrettes, and explore ways to distill and enhance these findings into a cohesive policy.
Visit EarthX to learn more.

April 14, 2017 - Transportation Panel on Capitol Hill
R Street Institute, Washington, DC

In this gathering on Capitol Hill, Eli Lehrer and his team of economists concentrate on how clean tax cuts in the transportation sector can accelerate cleaner technologies and drive innovation.  Transportation, which already has many globally accepted standards with which to measure carbon reductions, may see the first real world application of Clean Tax Cuts.
(Discussion Paper)

April 9-10, 2017 - Oil and Gas Charrette,
One Step In Foundation, Colorado University, Boulder, CO

Oklahoma oil man and serial entrepreneur Wiley Rhodes takes the reins at this two-day charrette co-hosted by Colorado University at Boulder.

April 4, 2017 - Clean Tech Charrette
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Bill Brandt at ASU shines a light on new technologies, and how they can benefit from the application of Clean Tax Cuts.

April 3, 2017 - Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Charrette
The Nature Conservancy, Washington, DC

Carbon sequestration, forestry and open space conservation and management will be on the agenda, shepherded by The Nature Conservancy.
(Discussion Paper)

March 27, 2017 - Wind and Solar Charrette
American Renewable Energy Institute, Aspen, CO

This small group of non-partisan experts in government, finance, technology, efficiency and the environment  will explore the potential power of Clean Tax Cuts on the Wind and Solar industries, and identify opportunities and barriers to its implementation.
(Discussion Paper)

March 23, 2017 - Commercial Real Estate Charrette
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, DC

Steve Nadel, Executive Director of ACEEE, leads this charrette which focuses on buildings and explores how greater energy efficiency can reward investors, owners and perhaps even tenants with lower tax rates.
(Discussion Paper)

March 6, 2017 - Green Bonds Charrette
Columbia University, New York City

Professor Travis Bradford has taken an important leadership role in organizing this charrette and kicking off this unique public policy process.
(Discussion Paper)

November 12, 2016: COP 22, United Nations Climate Summit
Marrakech, Morocco
The Kingdom of Morocco invited Grace Richardson Fund president Rod Richardson to present the global release of the Clean Tax Cuts Charrette Report at the COP 22 Global Climate Finance Summit in Marrakech, Morocco, on November 12, 2016.

rod-lectern-cop22-800x719At this forum Rod Richardson announced the Earth Day Texas - Clean Capitalism Challenge, which encourages others to get involved in developing pro-capitalism policies that can combat climate change.

In Africa, Rod participated with hundreds of others, focusing on the financial impact of implementing the climate change goals targeted within the 2015 UN Paris accords.

September 23, 2016: Inaugural Charrette
Columbia University, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Thirty-five experts in economics, public policy, climate and finance convened for a charrette at Columbia University on September 23, 2016, at the invitation of Grace Richardson Fund, Rocky Mountain Institute and The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law.

Together, we explored the implementation and impact of a new policy concept, Clean Tax Cuts - the application of supply-side capital tax rate cuts to “clean” decarbonizing investments. We invite you to review the CTC Charrette Report, and join us as we seek to pioneer new free market solutions that can transform capitalism into clean capitalism.
View / Download the Report Now

Please review this list, and contact us should you need more information.

CTC Presentations

Earth Day Texas - Clean Capitalism Challenge 2017, announced at COP 22: Global Climate Finance Action Summit, Marrakech, Morocco, November 12, 2016
The Clean Capitalism Challenge begins now.
See Challenge Details

UN Climate Change Summit, COP 22: Global Climate Finance Action Summit, Marrakech, Morocco, November 12, 2016
Clean Tax Cuts debuts on the international stage within the finance-oriented forum.
See Summit Brochure

Chip Comins of the American Renewable Energy Institute leads the panel discussion on conservative tax policy with Rod Richardson (speaking) and others at COP 22.
Chip Comins of the American Renewable Energy Institute leads the panel discussion on conservative tax policy with Rod Richardson (speaking) and others at COP 22.

SUSTYBIZ 2016, September 2016, Washington, DC
In support of the American Sustainable Business Institute's educational mission, Rod explained the Clean Tax Cuts concept at the conference in Washington, DC.
See Conference outline

Republican National Convention 2016, July 2016, Cleveland, OH
As part of the American Sustainable Business Institute's outreach efforts, Rod outlined the Clean Tax Cuts concept at a meeting held during the convention.
See Conference outline

AREDay 2016, June 2016, Aspen, CO
The Clean Tax Cuts concept was introduced publicly at the American Renewable Energy Institute's vibrant annual conference in Aspen, CO in a presentation and a panel discussion.
See video excepts from the Green Conservatives Panel
See full presentation